Upgrade VPS wallet from v1.0.x to v1.0.3

Login to your VPS console 

1. Download wallet file to home folder 


wget "https://github.com/Bitcoin-Confidential/BitcoinC-Core/releases/download/v1.0.3/bitcoinc-1.0.3-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz" -O - | tar -xz

2. Stop wallet 

./bitcoinc-cli stop && sleep 5

3. Overwrite the binary file with the new one 

yes | cp bitcoinc-1.0.3/bin/bitcoincd ~/ 

yes | cp bitcoinc-1.0.3/bin/bitcoinc-cli ~/

chmod a+x ~/bitcoincd ~/bitcoinc-cli

4. Start wallet 

./bitcoincd && sleep 5 && ./bitcoinc-cli walletsettings stakingstatus true

This moethod will keep your old stakingaddress, you can check by this command 

./bitcoinc-cli listunspentstaking | grep coldstaking_address

Upgrade VPS wallet from v1.0.0 to v1.0.x

1. Stop wallet 

cd ~

cd bitcoinc-

./bitcoinc-cli stop

2. Backup your old wallet.dat 

cd ~

cd .bitcoinc/wallets

mv wallet.dat oldwallet.dat

3. install the new version with BC-Script 

cd ~

curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Bitcoin-Confidential/BC-Script/master/BC-Install-node.sh | bash

This method will generate new stakingaddress, you need to update this in your local wallet