Please secure your wallets by protecting them with strong passwords. Also, backup your wallets frequently and keep several copies in different places to minimize the chance of loss

NOTE: Version of wallet in images maybe out-date please check on  for the latest version

UPDATE for V1.0.3: install process just the same as v1.0.2 ( just change 1.0.2 to 1.0.3)

I. For Windows Computers

1. Go to this link to download the wallet 

2. Run the *-setup.exe file with admin right

3. Once wallet had been installed, you can find it in 

Once wallet is been launched, It will start synchronizing with BC network and depending on your processor's speed and internet connection's speed, it may take a while.

II. For Mac Computers

1. Go to the 

2. Click to download bitcoinc-qt for MacOs

3. Open the downloaded file and Drag and drop the bitcoinc-qt icon into the Applications folder.

4. Go to Applications and right click on, then click Open.

5. Your Mac will then ask your permission to open BitcoinC - click to Open

6. Your wallet will then open and start to sync, this may take some time! If it gets stuck, close wallet and open again.

III. For Linux Computers

You can install via  

+ For Ubuntu

The wallet can be installed by run this in terminal ( console )

For QT linux install

curl -sSL | bash

Your installation is now complete! You can now find the BC Wallet in the 'Show Applications' section of your Desktop Menu or start the qt client by using the 'bitcoinc-qt' command in your terminal!

When you open wallet for the first time it will ask you to import the seed phrase or generate the new one and come back import it 

For Bitcoincd Staking Node linux install

curl -sSL | bash

+ For raspberry pi (Compile from source )

First we need to download and install the newest updates

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

Screen Shot 12-24-17 at 01.48 PM.PNG

Next install the following major dependencies packages by: (don’t forget to click Y)

sudo apt-get install git build-essential libtool autotools-dev autoconf pkg-config libssl-dev libcrypto++-dev libevent-dev libminiupnpc-dev libgmp-dev libboost-all-dev devscripts libdb++-dev libsodium-dev

Screen Shot 12-24-17 at 01.49 PM.PNG

next install the following QT dependencies packages by: (don’t forget to click Y)
sudo apt-get install libqt5gui5 libqt5core5a libqt5dbus5 qttools5-dev qttools5-dev-tools libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler libcrypto++-dev libminiupnpc-dev qt5-default

The next thing we need to install are the bitcoin PPA files, these files are necessary for the compiling process.

cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/

sudo nano bitcoin.list

Screen Shot 12-24-17 at 01.52 PM (2).PNG

Now paste to following line:

deb-src artful main

Press ctrl X and Y and enter the following commands:

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv C70EF1F0305A1ADB9986DBD8D46F45428842CE5E

sudo apt-get update

Screen Shot 12-24-17 at 01.54 PM (2).PNG

We’re almost ready to start the compiling process. We only need to change the libssl version to an older version. We can do this by the following commands:

cd && sudo apt-get remove libssl-dev

Set your repository list to point to "jessie " instead of "stretch", and save and exit this by ctrl x and clicking y:

sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list

Screen Shot 12-24-17 at 01.55 PM 001 (2).PNG

Screen Shot 12-24-17 at 01.56 PM.PNG

If you changed it to Jessie update again and install libssl-dev again.

sudo apt-get update 
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev

Now let’ get started. First we will make a folder for the BC wallet by:

mkdir bitcoinc

If the folder is made we move into that folder by the following command:

cd bitcoinc

Now we need to clone the BC source

git clone

If the cloning is done you will see there is a new folder. You can see this folder by running the ls command:


Now let’s move into the source folder as root by typing:

sudo -i 

cd /home/pi/bitcoinc/BitcoinC-Core/

This is one of the latest steps. We are going to compile the wallet right now. This can take a while! don’t worry just grab a beer and wait. We can start the compiling by the following command:

sudo qmake && sudo make

If it’s al done you we be back in the ~/bitcoinc/BitcoinC-Core  folder. We can now run the wallet just by typing: 


To make life easier we can make a shortcut on our Desktop. We do this by typing:

cp BitcoinC-Core /home/pi/Desktop

Congrats! You got a wallet running on your raspberryPI!!

+ For raspberry pi (Download pre build binary file )

Just download and extract file from in github


tar -xzvf bitcoinc-1.0.3-arm-linux-RPi.tar.gz

run the wallet by


Or you can try pip 

install needed dependencies: ((Install of Python, a Programming Language and PIP, a package manager for Python packages))

sudo apt-get install python3-setuptools python3-pyqt5 python3-pip

Use the Python installer (pip) to download and install BC Wallet:

sudo pip3 install

Launch the desktop:


To launch BC Wallet  you can either open a terminal and run:
