This page contains sample addresses and/or private keys. Do not send BC to or import any sample keys; you will lose your money.

Please note we have 3 kinds of Bitcoin Confidential Addresses and you can only use this method for Stake Addresses ( Start with "b") 

For Spending Address ( Start with "B") or ColdStaking Addresses (Start with "6") you have to use dumpwallet or backup "wallet.dat" file

Before reading this page, users should note that messing with  private keys is very dangerous and can result in losing BC, even long after the import.

Backup Your Wallet

Although this process is well tested and used you should always take another backup of your wallet.dat file before starting.

1. Export your private keys

click “Help” -> “Debug Window” -> “Console”

Open Debug Window

Unlock your wallet

If your wallet is encrypted (I hope it is!) you must unlock it.

If not just skip this step.

To do this just type into the box at the bottom:

walletpassphrase "YourLongPassphrase" 600

You need the quotes if there is a space in your phrase else there is no need for them. The 600 means your wallet is unlocked for 10 minutes (600 seconds).

Run export Command in Debug Window

In the console at the very bottom is a text entry box. In here enter:


The quotes are only needed if you want a space in the label.

It will then display the private key for the associated address. You can backup all of your addresses this way, just make sure you handle the keys safely.

repeat this step for each address that you want to export private-key

P/S: You can export all private-key one time by use "dumpwallet"

2. import your private-key

Run Import Command in Debug Window

In the console at the very bottom is a text entry box. In here enter:

importprivkey yourPrivateKeyInWalletImportFormat "TheLabelThatIWant"

The quotes are only needed if you want a space in the label.

You now have to be patient. On a fast PC it takes 2 minutes to import, and during this time it looks like you application has hung. After waiting a few minutes it will done

repeat this step for each Private key  that you want to import

You are now done. But always best to check it worked.

Check Key Imported OK

Once Imported you can check that you have the address by closing the Debug window and going back to your address book.

You can send small BC to the import address and see it in recent transaction